Below is a chronological list of deeds & other records pertaining to Paul Patrick SR.They indicate that Paul Patrick
lived in Edgecombe Co NC in the 1750’s, Bute Co NC from 1760 to 1773, briefly in Wake Co NC in 1773, Surry Co
NC from 1775 to 1784, Wilkes/Oglethorpe Co GA from 1784 to at least 1805. This list was compiled by George Nelson and provided as a courtesy.
Edgecombe Co NC will
James Milliken (1737)
wife Margaret
son:John Milliken, James Milliken
dau:AGNES Milliken, Elizabeth Milliken, Anna Milliken
bro-in-law:Phillip Rayford
(This is the father-in-law of Paul Patrick; see deeds below)
Edgecomb Co NC deeds
Bk2 P89Isaac Anderson to Paul Patrick of Edgecomb Co NC–50 a–(YEAR?)
Bk2 P129William & Ann Richmond and Paul & Agnes Patrick to Montfort Eelbeck–320a–(1754)–part of 640 acre
tract John MacKinnie sold James Milliken in 1734
Bk2 P131William & Ann Richmond and Paul & Agnes Patrick to William Kinchen Jr–320a–(1754)–part of 640
acre tract John MacKinnie sold James Milliken in 1734
Bk2 P133William & Ann Richmond and Paul & Agnes Patrick to William Kinchen Jr–1870a
400a–(YEAR)–“court house land”
Bk4 P128Paul Patrick witnessed deed Joseph Lane to Henning Tembte–20 May 1751–this is the oldest record I
have found for Paul Patrick.
Bk4 P256Paul & Agnes Patrick of Edgecombe Co NC to John Joyner–200a–(1752)–“for love and respect we bear
unto our natural brother”—Land that Joseph Joyner sold to James Milliken in 1730
Bk4 P412Paul & Agnes Patrick of Edgecombe Co NC to William Hurst & Joseph Montfort–(1753)–half of their
right of 770a (property of James Milliken (dcd) which passed to James Milliken the younger who died and it passed
to his two sisters Agnes & Ann)
Bk4 P415Paul & Agnes Patrick of Edgecombe Co NC to William Hurst–220a–Land Joseph Joyner patented in
1725, sold it to James Milliken in 1733.
Bk6 P140William & Ann Richmond to Joseph Montford–“old court house land”–Land that James & Mary
Thompson sold to Col James Milliken; he died & it passed to James Milliken Jr; he died & it passed to his two
sisters: Agnes, wife of Paul Patrick and Ann, wife of William Richmond.
Bk6 P162Paul Patrick of Edgecombe Co NC to Thomas Horn–50a–(1757)
Bk6 P196Paul Patrick of Edgecombe Co NC to Blake Baker–200a–(1757)
Bk6 P232Mathew McConnell to Paul Patrick of Edgecombe Co NC–300a–(1757)
Bk6 P236William Kinchen Jr to Paul Patrick of Edgecombe Co NC–220a–(1757)
1760Lord Granville to Paul Patrick–(30 Jun 1760)–275a in Halifax County in the Parish of Edgecomb(Source: The
Granville District of NC 1748-1763, Volume II, P.180)
1762 Granville Co NC tax digest–self & 3 slaves: Simon, Jubiter & Jinne
Bute Co NC deeds (formed in 1764 from Granville Co; abolished in 1779-replace by Franklin & Warren Co)
BkA P335Reuben Lawson to Paul Patrick (1764) 100a
Bk1 P92Paul & Agatha/Agathy Patrick (Bute Co) to Kedar Best (Nansemond Co VA)200a Bute Co (1764)
Bk1 P291 Thomas Bonner to Paul Partrick (both Bute)160a Bute Co (1766)
Bk2 P60Paul Partrick to Person Rackley (both Bute)12a Bute Co (1768)
Bk2 P96Paul Partrick to Elias STallings (both Bute) 100a Bute Co (1766)
Bk3 P53Paul & (wife) Agnes Patrick to Jesse Bird (all Bute) 213a Bute Co (1769)
Bk3 P150 John Stalings to Paul Partrick (both Bute) 133a (1767)
Bk3 P153 Allen Groves to Paul Partrick (both Bute) 350a (1768)
Bk3 P154 Paul Patrick to Richard Conyers (both Bute) 350a (1769)
Bk3 P235 Paul Patrick to Samson Mounger (both Bute) 160a (1768)
Bk4 P274 Paul Patrick of WAKE CO NC to William Yeats (Bute) 133a (1773)
1774-5 Surry Co NC tax digest (self, John Patrick & William Patrick–3 polls)
1776–Paul Patrick appointed ranger in Surry Co NC (Colonial Records of NC, Vol 10, p.690)
1782 Surry Co NC tax digest (need details)
1785 Wilkes Co GA tax digest-poll
1786 Wilkes Co Ga tax digest-300a
1787 Wilkes Co GA tax digest–591a
1792 Wilkes Co GA tax digest100a
1793 Wilkes Co GA tax digest300a
1796 Oglethorpe Co GA tax digest–200a
1799 Jackson Co Ga tax digest–200a
1800 Oglethorpe Co GA tax digest–30a
1800 Oglethorpe Co GA census:
1801 Oglethorpe Co GA tax digest–80a
1802 Oglethorpe Co GA tax digest–poll
1805 Oglethorpe Co Ga tax diges